Monday, September 13, 2010

Welcome to my blog

Hello everyone,
            My name is Mary and I am enrolled in ENG103- Research Methods and The Ethics of Food at LaGuardia Community College.  I am excited about what I will be learning in this course because I never gave much thought as to what I was eating before.  I live with my parents so I very rarely cook for myself, but when I do it is mostly frozen dishes that I can heat up in the microwave, or I will eat left overs from the night before.  If i am really hungry and there is no dinner I will usually order out.  When I do order out I still try to eat on the healthier side so I will get a salad with grilled chicken, soup, or dishes that tend to have a lot of vegetables in it.  I do go grocery shopping with my mother, and it is at Best Yet and Keyfood, which are regular super markets where you can basically find whatever it is that you are looking for.  Aside from the regular groceries my parents buy, I will buy yogurts and nutrigrain bars to have for healthy snacks and as a treat at night time I like to munch on chocolate chip teddy grahams.  I do not know that much about the food that my parents buy except for the fact that it is boxed and the meat comes pre-cut and packaged ready for cooking.
              My dad does most of the cooking in my house, and he makes hamburgers. hotdogs. pasta with salad/ or vegetables, chicken cutlets, porkchops, and on the weekends we tend to eat bigger meals.  On Fridays we order pizza, Saturdays is typically fend for yourself day because everyone has there own plans and nobody is around, and on Sunday is my mom's turn to cook and she will make a turkey, with all the fixings,  or she will make a loin of pork, or roast beef.  In my house we do not venture out form the normal and the meals tend to repeat themselves a lot.
              I believe that taking this course with give me a better understanding as to what I am eating and where it is coming from and hopefully not change my mind about food to much.


  1. Hey! I'm the same way. I cook sometimes but I usually eat leftovers or order out. When I go grocery shopping I buy the same types of things like yogurt and granola bars but at night my cravings come out and I end up eating the worst things! My parents usually repeat the same meals also so nothing they make is really new. This makes me not want to eat at home sometimes.

  2. Hey Mary ,
    lucky you your dad cooks for you ;)
    listen,you know what if you someday drop by my work work place i will make my egg pizza for you :P but not letting you know my only recipe :P just joking... it`s very simple i choose thin crust while i make my egg pizza because then you can get the taste of egg, toppings and cheese :D
    see you in class..take care
